Children with responsibilities
Head Boy and Head Girl
Logan and Daisy
Logan and Daisy are both in year 6 and were appointed by the departing Head Boy/Girl for the academic year 23/24. The children will play a leading role in ensuring that the school is a safe and happy place and are lead ambassadors in the local community.
House Captains
Oscar (Rashford) (3), Joel (Sharman) (5), Georgia (Attenborough) (6) and Finley (Malala) (6)
The House captains are repsonsible for everything that goes on within their houses. They take a lead on selecting children for inter school events, keep their houses in check during our house assembly, collect any awards on behalf of the house and ensure that success is celebrated within the house.
Lunchtime Supervisors
Daisy, Sara, Lottie (Manager), Scarlett and Angel
The girls are in charge of serving and tidying away the dinner hall alongside Church Lane staff. They play an integral role within school as they support with our 2 sittings of lunch and help get the younger children settled and ready to eat. Lottie is in charge of recruitment and ensuring everyone knows their roles.
Chicken Carers
Daisy, Sofia, Finley and Tyler
These four children are in charge of the school chickens Nugget and Nipper. These guys ensure that the chickens are cleaned, well cared for, they get some free range time and that they are not being fed too many treats.
Subject Ambassadors
Daisy Sofia Tyler Hannah Logan
P.E Maths
Frankie Wiktor Billy Shakti Steven
French Geography Computing ART Reading
Dillan Ryan Luke Angel Daisy
DT PSHE Maths RE Science
The role of subject ambassador is really important. These children ensure that children's voice is represented when curriculum decisions are made. These children will do observations and learning walks with subject leaders, will do book looks, pupil questionnaires and will occasionally attend governor meetings.